
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Check out Ted Talks Videos

Some of you might already know about this site, but I just found it yesterday. There are incredible videos on a wide range of topics. I viewed 6 videos from the Education topic list, and was amazed and excited about what I found. Many interesting people sharing incredible stories. On your iPad, download the free app, TED, or on the internet go to

I think you will enjoy it. Let me know what you think.


Glogsters in 5th Grade

Erica has opened a virtual class with eduglogster for her students to make online posters. She said that they loved it, and even the less creative children could do it. Sroll down to see some of them. Let me know if you would like to use Glogster and I would be more than happy to help you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

33 Page Guide Technology for Teachers from Google

Google for Teachers -

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chase Winship's iTech Project

Here is a link to Chase Winship's iTech website and iMovie project:

Chase created this website from a blank template. He made his own background, added all of the photos, videos, and information links about BMX parks. He also did all of the filming and editing for his own video.

The password for his music video is itech1011.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Decimal Sort - Sharendipity

Sharendipity is a fun web 2.0 activity to enjoy with your students. They can make their own games or you can use the ones that are already made like the example here:

Decimal Sort - Sharendipity



Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Detailed Tutorial on Glogster EDU - Online teaching and learning tool

You might want to watch the next post also. It shows uses of glogsters in the classroom. Possibilities are endless!! Have fun with your students while they learn in a creative way.
Enjoy... and make comments!

Glogster: creative learning tool in classroom

Glogster is just a poster; a virtual poster. This generation of tech-savvy kids like to explore with graphics and media. This is an excellent resource for them to research, be creative and learn any subject.
I will be creating a class for Erica this Monday at 3:30. Let me know if you are interested in coming. Creating a class makes the students share the glogsters withing the classroom and allows them to sign in without an email account.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

iTech - Music Video Projects

iTech is our after school computer class where students get to learn touch typing techniques, and explore multimedia software for Macs. Each session has a different theme, from video production in iMovie to digital imaging in Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator and web design in Dreamweaver/Google Sites.

Last summer we focused on video production. Students learned to import film using Disk Utility and then they edited their projects with title pages, transitions, and special effects in iMovie. Lastly they synced their music to video using iTunes. Here is the finished product for Team Yellow:

PASSWORD: itechsummer1

iTech Session 1- Team Yellow from Veronica Scott on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Google Tutorials

This page contains all information you can get for using Google in the classroom. If you are interesting in ideas or you need help applying this in your classroom, just let me know.


Google Tutorials

PS: Comments are welcome and needed!!